Hmm. So school... it's not that bad. I think I make it out to be something simply horrible when it's just a sheep in wolf's clothing. I enjoy it at times, it's nice being able to connect to people your age and who share your views. And I also like gaining knowledge, as odd as that sounds. I mean, I'm not up for the workload at all, but I think in the long run it really is good for me (most of it anyways - I still don't know how geometry is going to help me in the least bit as an MTV VJ. Maybe then I can see just how perfectly Cristiano Ronaldo's face matches up to the Golden Ratio).
Today was Daren's 17th birthday, and seeing everyone be all happy and nice and present-givey about it was nice. I think the IB senior class is too sarcastic most of the time, and to see us be all genuinely "yay!" was a good change, though a bit oddly scary.
School also comes with gossip though, and soo much unneeded drama, and the prospect of boys who like you but you don't like back (that's already happened to me. damn.) and boys who you like but who don't like you back (not yet, thank God - and I don't plan for it to happen this year). Maybe that was the real fright of school that scared me over the summer. If that's the case, I say it's not a sheep in wolf's clothing but a real 100 percent wolf who scares the crap out of me because when it comes to Drama, our IB class is pretty good at making it happen. And I don't mean on the stage.

Speaking of the stage, I'm Costume/Makeup Designer for our first show. I was thinking about auditioning but the first play we're doing has a total cast of 3, so I was like "....erm...." and went for crew instead. I don't know why the hell I'm costume designer as I don't even know how to sew. I'm makeup girl! Makeup and only makeup! Come on, man. *Shakes fist* But challenges aren't always bad I guess. Plus Daren's on my crew and I can just dump all the sewing-age on her. Haha. What I don't get is why a FROSH is working under me as costume/makeup head. I plan to discreetly kick her off. (Or maybe not... let's see how good of a mood I'm in these next few weeks). The POINT is, I'm excited to be back on the stage. It's like a second home to me. I never thought I'd be a drama nerd, but I am *shrug* and it's not so bad. Drama is like a cult at our school and once you make friends through drama, it's like,
FRIENDS. Set in stone. I still have people who I worked with oNCE last year who still remember me and say hi.
I love dramies. Except I still can't find my $60 character shoes, ARGH.

TAnGENT: Over Labor Day weekend, besides going to Aspen and all, we got high speed internet (which I named Patrick - long story, ask me in person). I was the only one home to figure out all the technical aspects, and I realized I couldn't get our stupid cable connection to work because our location sucks for some reason. So I had to call customer services and the guy who picked up and helped me was really nice. When we were waiting for my slow-as-hell laptop to haul ass and shut down and restart, we started talking - I don't even remember how - and actually had a nice conversation. Amazing how many nice people one doesn't know out there in the world and who you can get to know through a one-time random conversation. They're everywhere - solicitors (though... don't talk to those people), the lady behind you at the checkout, the lawn inspector, and this guy at Comcast. His name is Josh and he lives in Texas and is 21. Everyone I tell is making it out to be some stupid thing its not like he tried to pick me up or the other way around, but good lord, we just talked and were friendly and stuff. He found me on facebook by the way =D. I tried searching for him but there are about 394587340895103948 guys with the name Josh at his school.
---> We also got a PS2 solely for DDR cuz my dad wants us to exercise (....o_O). He's forbidding the purchase of any more games, but I say screw that, I'm getting FIFA StreetPro2. And I'm borrowing Final Fantasy VII again from Tivo. (It was pretty funny watching my mom try to do DDR though.)

I'm excited and scared at the same time for the future. Near future, this weekend is Daren's birthday party thingie at Claire's house [we're going to see Wicker Man, eat gelato, go to Sushi Den, and bake a cake]. But it's the same weekend that we're going to Aspen as a family, so it's kinda sucky that I have to miss out on that. I had to choose between Daren's last birthday with all of us together and our family's outing. I hope I made the right choice. As for the middle-length future, I'm positively dreading October. October is SAT's, early decision apps, teacher recommendations, Extended Essay final drafts, Claire's party [the only good thing] and blah. Homecoming is on the same day as the SAT's. Good god. I hate national standardized testing. If I go to U. of Toronto or Vancouver BC, I won't even need the damn scores. =_= Near future, college. I've been bringing that up a lot, but yea. I can't wait to experience what it's like staking it out on my own and making a start with nobody I know at all. I want to do some serious soul searching and these people are probably the ones who make a lasting impact on me for the rest of my life (not to say that my friends right now don't because they do). I just want to find me, completely stripped of anything and everything else. I'm ready.
Sincerely... me....why is it everything I post on here ends up being complete and total mush?