Uhh, yea. That's what it'll be called. Because not a lot of things surprise me, so the fact that yesterday I almost fell over about six times and knocked myself unconscious because my knees gave way, should be indication of just how weirded out I was.
Let's start at the beginning: Friday Night.
We, Mary, Jenna, Ilka, a new girl Abby (who I <33!!!), and a few of Jenna's guy friends who I never bothered to get to know go to 736 Livingston (how do I still remember this...?) for a house party. The majority of the people there turn out to be architecture majors, as are my friends, and I'm the token Newhousie baby, but I don't care - I have a good time meeting people. They're serving this thing called Santa's Brew, which is lemonade/vodka/beer and sounds totally gross but tastes AMAZING, and of course I can't tell how drunk I'm getting, so I have a ton of those and like always I get sloppy and my inhibitions sort of flush themselves down the toilet.
At the beginning of the night I notice this really tall guy in a striped shirt, and Carrie tells me his name is Zach and he's newly broken up with his girlfriend (score!) and then I tell her "I want to hook up with someone before Christmas and he's really attractive!!" >_<. But I don't really think too much of it until I'm sitting on the couch with Ilka and Carrie a while later and he comes over and introduces himself to me. And then, you know how you can feel someone's eyes on you? Yup, that's what I MAJORLY get from him - but I've gotten that feeling wrong plenty times before, when they're actually not staring at me at all, and for serious I thought he was a bit out of my league so I don't get my hopes up this time and shrug it off.
A while later, my happy juice, also known as Santa's Brew, is really kicking in now, and after dancing on a tabletop with my friends, I really need to sit down. So I don't really remember, but I think I was sitting on the couch... or maybe I was just standing somewhere zoning out. Either way, Zach comes over and asks me why I'm not dancing. So then somehow I end up dancing with him for a couple of songs (ha, and I'm so gone I don't even care that he's a classic white boy in that he can't dance - but he tries anyway, which sometimes makes it worse) but then I have to sit down again because the room is now bouncing with me @_@. So I'm sitting there on the couch again concentrating on breathing when the girl next to me gets up, leaves, and then is replaced by Zach!
And I swear to Chanel that we talked, I promise we did for at least 5 minutes... I just don't really remember what it was about. I remember saying something to him about dancing, and he sort of grins at me, and the next thing I know, we're totally making out. And everybody was cheering for both of us? Ick, that sounds so stupid to say out loud. I hate making out in front of people. Thank you Santa for taking that away with your lovely little concoction.
He's really feely-uppy, for sure; I have to push his hands away from places we shall not name more than once. We're also on the couch for a long time; then he says he needs to go to the bathroom (think about it. I wonder what he was doing in there? O_O). But then I must've forgotten where he went because I'm socializing with Abby and looping around the house looking for boys for her and Karen, and then I think a while later I'm sitting on the couch, again, and Zach comes over to sit by me again and we just talk this time. I don't remember what it was about again. Yea, shut up. I think at one point we talk about MTV and his dad being the CEO (he was lying, dumbass) and him building my future house? And uh, we also witness Ilka and Zach's (HOT may I add) friend Scott hooking up. But then Mary pulls me up and says we're going to TKE, so I go to go get my coat--but it takes me awhile to find it because I spend about 10 minutes in the wrong room (guh) and when I finally come back downstairs she and Jenna and Karen and Abby have left already, so I just go back into the couch room. Zach is sitting on the table, and he pulls me over, kisses me a few more times, we sit on the couch again, and then Carrie and Zach's other friend Dan hook up and basically tumble over onto my LAP (awkwardddd!!!!).
Wait. there's another point in time somewhere where we kind of are holding hands when I'm talking to Abby, but I don't remember where it fits in. And some of those times on the couch might be fictional, because we might've been sitting on the table or standing up or something. Everything's kind of fuzzy...
Anyway, so then the six of us go down to TKE (how weird is that... three of us, three of them, all of us have hooked up. Great.) Zach gives me a piggyback part of the way cuz it's icy and I don't want to fall down (which I would have had I walked) and once at TKE, we dance some more, hook up a lot more, and drink water until they kick us out. Then we're at the sidewalk in front of Shaw talking, and Zach is being really flirty but I'm really tired so we finally part ways and I hit the hay.
Phew. That was Friday. Now for the weird part.
So yesterday, I become friends with Zach on facebook, so naturally I'm at his profile browsing around (I'm not a stalker, seriously. -__-.) when I see on his mini-feed that he's just become friends with Allie, one of my friends who lives two doors down from me. I'm sort of confused, but I don't think too much about it later until I'm talking to her roommate, Michaela, and she tells me that Allie hooked up with 'some tall kid' on Saturday night at a Christmas-themed party.
When I text Carrie, she says she already knows too - which basically means everybody knows, except the rumor going around is that Zach hooked up with me and my roommate, which is virtually worse. So I ask Carrie if I should text Zach to see if he knows, and she says I should, so I do.
This is our conversation. To be documented for my future reference, so I can look back on it and get weirded out (I really need a synonym for this phrase) all over again:
Me: Hey it's summer (I have his #, he doesn't have mine). So umm I was wondering if you knew that allie and i live 2 doors down from each other yet.. ahaha
Him: Oy vey
Me: Haha yea. whatevs its cool
Him: lol this is pathetic im telling you this but i have hooked up with a total of three girls all year (but he had a girlfriend so I don't know why he thinks that makes him a loser - unless he thinks all guys are expected to fulfill some sort of hookup status quo, no matter if that entails cheating?) (1)
Him: HahaHaha
Me: **>_> <_<>** Haha i dont know what to say..** I'm sure you'll find.. a lot more? Hahaha
Him: Haha na im really not like that just had soo much work all year and finally had a chance to go out a lil
Me: **...I'm going to bed.** Ha i'm sure ;) well no worries, just check yourself next time haha and we'll probably hang out again soo see you soon
Him: yep yep if i dont see you before break have a good break n stuff ttyl :)
Me: **.............'Yep yep'?** (no answer)
I'm going to contradict what I told Ivo about having no emotions and say that I feel sort of bad for Zach; I kind of want to see him again before I leave so he can forget this nightmare and we can be, err... friends? But with finals happening throughout the week I doubt it will happen.
Why do things like this happen the week before I leave for somewhere else for a very long time? I guess all written out it doesn't seem like that big a deal, but shit was hitting the fan for a full three hours last night at full force, excuse my language.
After all this, you finally get to see what he looks like.
And ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mister Zachary Goldstein:
And that was very long. I need to stop thinking about it.
...or maybe my life is just weird,
chen | summer