Maybe high school wasn't all that bad, after all.
Random Memory/ies: 1. Shopping hookey! 
It was sometime around March, and Daren and I decided to go to lunch with Louise and Anna. I drove, and I think we went to... Mad Green's for lunch? No wait, that was the day that Daren & I took a separate car and ended up at Barnes & Noble instead of 6th because of a stupid traffic light...
Oh wait, that's right, that day we went to Noodles & Co. for lunch. I remember because I got the trio and spent a freaking $7.51 on it for penne rosa, caesar salad, and grilled chicken. We started talking about really R topics like co-ed bathrooms and nasty boys and shiet, and of course we were laughing and snark-snark-snarking really really loudly, and there were mothers-and-tots all around us and I think they were getting really offended. (Oops.)
After that, we were driving back to school and talking-and-giggling more about co-ed bathrooms and how horrible they could be, and by the time our school was in sight, somebody was like "we're gonna be so late, and Guggy's gonna be pissed..." and then somebody else said "why go to 5th at all?" so they told me to pull into the turn lane and I did.
Where to? Why, Target of course. Despite our broke-ness, we tried on a bunch of clothes at Target and stood in the changing rooms laughing at how outrageous some of the outfits were on us. I think Anna ended up buying a shirt and I did too cuz it was on clearance, and then Louise and I split a softlips raspberry green tea double pack, and Anna got some other stuff and Daren got Carmex, ahaha.
And then we headed to the mall. Fo sho! Cuz we wanted to try on prom dresses. So we hit up Macy's and we each had like 10 prom dresses to try on, and we got the really big changing room stall for all of us to fit into. And again, there was laughter about how some of the dresses didn't even fit/made us look like a ho/were just ugly in general. Daren took lots of pictures of all the dresses we tried on, but they're on her old phone.
And then we went back in time for 8th period, but I didn't have an 8th period, so I just went home :). What a perfect ending to a great day, eh? And on top of it all I think it was a Friday, which was just great. AH, shopping buddies. ^_^
2. Bonnie Brae? I think so.
This was yet another day, I think in April this time, where we (me, Daren, Louise, Anna) went to lunch with James (& Taryn, Cassie, Nakoia, Jackie, & Tyne) because he had driven his sister's Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible to school and it was damn sexy. We went to Noodles & Co. again (why do all things great start with Noodles & Co.?) but this time I didn't have any money so I just sort of sat and mooched off of people. After we pulled into the parking lot Louise pulled out her Free Ben & Jerry's card, and we were just like "LETS GET ICE CREAM!" so Daren & I piled into James's convertible while Louise and Anna took her car cuz there wasn't enough room :(. James like pumped the bass wayyyyy up and turned on some sort of gangsta rap... ahaha. We passed the junior parking lot on our way there, and while stopped at a red light we saw Conner, Austen, and Peter walking aimlessly around and we were like "GET IN!!" so Austen like flies around the car and hops the top of the convertible and Conner and Peter get into Anna's car. My hair was flying EVERYWHERE!

And I was soo hyper that day, so I was acting like a nut (what else is new, really?). So we ended up going to Bonnie Brae instead, but I was like "oh great, now I have about a dollar to spend" so Austen said he'd pay for me (three cheers for nice guys!) and then we saw Katie Cearley there and we just hung around outside eating ice cream. Mmm.

So it's not often that I have just-great dreams where everything is just awesome. But a couple of weeks back I had one about, er, unnamed guy - let's call him * xDD. We were at my house, and I was playing piano or something for him because he wanted to hear me play. It was one of those really nice, gray-days where it's just drizzling lightly outside and the sun is trying to come out so it's sort of a dewy glow, you know? And after a while I got tired of sitting at the piano bench so I went over to sit by him on the couch. I don't know the flirting that led to it (only that it was really good), but somehow I started playing with *'s hair, just like stroking it and running my fingers through it and stuff. And then he sort of reached up and grabbed my hand, and then there was a lonnnnng moment where we just had (EYE SEX! jk) that intense stare that happens right before you just
know something
more will happen, you know? And then one thing led to another and he was kissing me ^^. And then I woke up all happy, cuz I was like "AIYA I'M DATING *!!!" and then after another moment, thankfully this time where it didn't lead to me actually looking through my phone for any signs of him, I sort of realized it was just a dream and was like "dang it!"
Rat-patootie, Nosh, & Club-club-clubbiiiing:
Of course I got woken up by Alex who just got back in town and wanted to hang out. So everyone called everyone and eventually, me, Daren, Claire, & Alex decided to go see Ratatouille at 3:45. At first it was just like "yea let's just go see a movie, aight? Yea, cool, we'll chill." So we met up at the theatre (Daren & I split a Sour Patch Kids again, like always) and it was SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! I was expecting to be somewhat disappointed by it, but it was so, so good. As was the short before it (you know how they always do those really short animated films right before? This one was GENIUS). Ratatouille lived up to alllllll the expectations that any Disney/Pixar films have.
-"ALITTLECHEFTELLSMEWHATTODO. He's up here. *taps temple*"
" your brain."
-"Why name it ratatouille? I mean, it sounds like rat... and patootie. Ratpatootie. Doesn't sound so appetizing."
Ahhhhhhh!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
-"I have a little, tiny.... a LITTLE. LITTLE..."
*pulls out pepper spray slowly*
Anywhoo, after that we were like "lets get ice cream... Mmm, gelato..." so we went to Claire's house where we commenced to gossip first and then get ice cream when the sun & heat went down a little. I got a double scoop of black cherry and it was another the sex, though not as the sex-y as raspberry. After that, Daren had to leave, but someone had brought up clubbing a little before that, and Claire, Alex, and I were just like "d'you guys... wanna go? Let's go!"
So Claire and I went back to her house where I commenced to shower while Alex dropped by her own house to get more makeup, clothes for me & her (because my house is too far away to drop by), etc. And then we got supercute-ified, and hit Vinyl at around 11.
The structure of it is, from top-to-bottom floor: open-sky cabana-like bikini party; bar; more-refined bar & lounge; techo and trance floor; hip-hop and rap floor. So since none of us knew how to rave, we stayed in the basement the whole time basically (well, in bursts of like 30 minutes because we had to leave to get air a lot). That was depressing, because that floor was where all the hispanic perverts were, unlike the techno&trance floor, where all the hot asians and white guys were v_v. Claire got some serious action, man. Every time we re-entered from getting air, some guy would immediately latch on to her, right away. After a while other guys would try me and Alex too, but being as hispanic pervs don't do it for me and Alex has Josh, we decided to pretend to be lesbians all night to fend them off. Which didn't work so well, as in the case of my hearing some retard go:

"Hey dude, they're lesbians, look! That's so hot!"
We ended up having to either discreetly move, or stop dancing and hug each other, or just outright tell them no all night long. Claire, on the other hand, got her share of perverts, old and young alike, including one Asian-who-shames-all-other-Asians who would NOT leave her alone even when we politely made our leave (my ass he was only 23). And this once when we were sitting in the hallway, these guys kept coming up to us and asking if we liked CARS of all things to start conversation. I was like, please, just do yourself a favor, shut the eff up, and leave.
But it was really fun. We left at around 1:40. I got home at, like, 3, went to bed at 4, and had to get up at 8 to go to church. =_=
I get four pennies, right?
...but thoughts are priceless,