今天的天气真的好美呵。。。Really, the weather was just perfect. I never say this about Syracuse weather, but today I felt like if it stayed like this all the time I could just move here.
It wasn't cold at all - in fact I think it was around 45, which was just good for a sweater and a light coat - and it was gray, but it wasn't dreary. It was more like a bit foggy and ethereal. And it was raining... but it wasn't. You know, when it's not dripping onto you and soaking you through, but as you walk you can feel the tiny dewdrops and mist sprinkling your face. It was so perfect. ^^
Also, my short fever is gone, I think. Take that, sickness! *Shakes fist* I think it really was Airborne who cured me. I don't like to take it, but... it saved me, so, 我感谢他才对!Yay, Airborne! My health seems so fragile these days, aiya, but, I'm just glad to have energy again and be 100% OK la. ^^v

I got sick because I was rushing for sororities all weekend, and standing out in the cold for probably 3/5 of it. Plus I'm losing my voice. After all this, I'm still not too sure if I want to pledge... at the end of the day you still aren't very genuine when you only have 20 minutes to sell yourself to a representative of a house. Hopefully I wasn't too fake... but I like AChiO and AZD and Theta. Hopefully if I get into one of those I'll be 100% sure. Ah, who knew rushing would be such a tiring process. ~~At least I made friends in my group! Vivian and Sarah and Emily and Liz. 爱你们啦!!!

I'm also now 19. We didn't do anything too big to celebrate because it was the day that rush started. At midnight I got mobbed by the hallway girls and on the phone and throughout the day I kept getting facebook/phone wishes, which was nice except now I have about 2000 facebook messages to return X-(. And after rush, Carrie, Mary, Ilka and I hung out in Carrie's room, ordered Chinese, and watched Aladdin and just talked. It was nice, I liked it :) I got curry chicken :3.

Cristiano Ronaldo's birthday is today! He's 23! Our age difference is still only 4 years, so I guess if Jiro and I don't work out... no! Don't say that! 加油!! 晨晨加油!!!大东一定会爱上你的!!!
Heehee, I am very well today. The math test was also easy. Let's see how the rest of the week is, suddenly my huge workload isn't seeming so intimidating...
...& what can I say except, it's perfect.晨.