Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Life as a roller-coaster
It certainly has been a while. And a lot has happened. I like making lists so... list!
1. AS YOU LIKE IT. This is possibly one of the best things that's happened to me in.... well, a long time. I am so glad I was a part of it, especially because when I originally auditioned, I didn't really care for it because it was Shakespeare, I don't comprehend Shakespeare, and frankly, I didn't think I was going to get in - or at least get a big part, anyway. I was truthfully vying for a chorus role, but at one point I remember thinking, "Now wouldn't it be cool if I got a big enough role to be remembered?" And look how things work out. Fate is an odd thing. Or if fate doesn't exist, chance is the odd one.
Anyway. I don't think I've ever loved a show as much as I loved this one - except quite possibly Eleemosynary, but as much as that show impacted me as a person and a writer, I wasn't in that one. This one was just an ethereal, once-in-a-lifetime experience that I don't think I'll ever have again. The acting was brilliant, really pushed my limits, more than once made me cry and feel like dirt and wish I wasn't in it, but in the end, I'm glad I went through it. I would stand on stage every night and feel unworthy of acting in the company of such great actors and actresses. At times I had self-doubts, and really didn't know if I deserved to be up there or if the directors made a mistake in casting me, but I'm really glad with the end result. And the people were just lovely. I loved getting reacquainted with old elementary-school buddies that I never really talked to, or getting to know people I've been 'sort-of-friends' with all throughout high school better, or getting closer to my already good friends. On days we didn't have rehearsal, we'd sit there on the stage anyway, talking and bonding and complaining and eating and sleeping together (not like that, perverts). As You Like It holds a special place in my heart. I am so glad that whatever made me audition that day, well, made me do it. Because it seriously was one of the best times of my life. And I want to thank Shakespeare for making it possible, for the directors for believing in me and pushing me hard, for my friends and co-cast-members for guiding me and encouraging me when I quite literally felt like shit, for all the crew members for putting as much heart into it as we did (look at our beautiful set), for the musicians for playing lovely, beautimous music, and for everyone who came and saw it and enjoyed it for what it was. I had a few people ask for my autographs, and more than a few (including classmates!) tell me I was their favorite character.
I'm sad it's all over. There are few times in life you really experience being a part of something greater, of something big and truly incredible. Every night was breathtaking, all over again. I felt so powerful on stage, so much like someone else, so much like I was Celia Frederick (THE FREDERICK FREDERICKS!) Thank you all for making it so special. Thank you all.
2. Car troubles. Either I'm a crappy driver (which I'm not) or my car hates me, or I have the shittiest luck in the whole world with cars. In September, I got a flat tire the third day I got my license. Our spare tire was broken. I stayed in a parking lot of 7-Eleven for three-and-a-half hours. GREAT. In October, I was pulled over for turning left on a residential area on a shortcut to school that my parents always took and never got in trouble for. The one day I'm almost on time for school, and I get pulled over. Plus the cop took forever. Also, in October, some idiot driving in front of me when we were stopped at an intersection gets out of his car and checks his tires, and then his car starts rolling backwards. I have nowhere to go, and it of course bumps into mine. He drives off. Good thing my car has no damage.
Today. I was driving home from musical auditions and on Parker and Florida, I was going straight on southbound Parker and it was a green light, and I was going 45 mph (I checked). As soon as I hit the intersection it turns yellow, and then all of the sudden, this car starts to turn left onto Florida right in front of me. I wasn't distracted in the least, and as soon as I see her I furiously hit my brakes, but it's too late and I hit her on the side. I'm crying on the phone as soon as I call my parents. The first cop was a fairly young man, and he said that there were no arguments and the other driver was totally at fault, and don't worry, I'd be okay with no charges, etc. So then my mood gets sort of better, but then he says we have to wait for state patrol to do inspection, and then the state patrol cop lady gets here and she says I'M AT FAULT partially because I 'should have seen her turn before and braked earlier' because supposedly the other car had already passed 'four lanes of traffic' (there were only 2 lanes, go and see for yourself) so I should have seen her earlier. I got a ticket for 'careless driving'. $58, 2 points if I mail it in in 20 days. What. The. Fuck. I am so pissed off, I can't even tell you.
How the hell was I supposed to 'BRAKE EARLIER'? I slammed the brakes as soon as I saw that lady. Am I constantly supposed to expect people turning left in front of my nose when I have the right-away? And how is that careless driving? I could tell you my speed, I could tell you that it was a green light until I hit the intersection, I wasn't talking on my cell phone, my eyes were on the road.... what the fuck. I am furious beyond furious. Plus my dad got in a huge argument with her and we were there from 6:10 to 9:15 because she wouldn't change her fucking wrong mind. Plus the other lady changed her story for the state patrol cop and said I ran a red light. Outrageous, just damn outrageous. I HATE PEOPLE WHO FUCKING LIE.
And so I guess we're just waiting for the other lady's insurance to see if they'll pay for all the damage, and if not, then well, my parents say we're taking it to court.
This is discrimination. I am so pissed. If you can't tell yet.
3. Friendships, good times, cast party, Skyy. I am soo glad that I've made so many new ones this year! Mostly due to the play. The cast party was pretty much bomb, even though I really don't have any memory of it beyond running back to Emily's house holding hands with Kiri and Devin and giggling and going, "sidewalk, sidewalk, sidewalk, car, car, car, grass, car, sidewalk, eek! house!". The extent of my memory of that night is Stonehenge at school after the play singing songs like Part of Your World and I Will Survive with all the ladies, then going running at anonymous park, then going to Kemily's house for the cast party. At the cast party, I sat on the couch and talked a bit with Daren, then some boys started saying something and then Daren pulled me outside to Lissa's car but she disappeared. So there was Lissa, Haley, Kiri, Raphie, and me, and of course Skyy. It is nasty I tell you, it's like rubbing alcohol. So we had to pull around the block to a corner cuz Emily's neighbor came out and was looking sketch, so we acted like we drove away. And then we had to drive back for chasers, and shot glasses, and then we each had about 2 and then went back in for the boxer contest.
There was some rumor going about the guys wearing thongs this year, so all of us were grossed out, but the senior girls got to sit on the couch this time around! WOOT! I have been looking forward to this all 4 years. So then the contest commenced, and I was feeling a bit dizzy but then I was like this ain't bad. The boys were all wearing boxers, so phew, but then they took off their boxers too and they were wearing Marvel Comics BRIEFS under them and of COURSE they all stuffed! I basically got raped by Nick and Elias.
Skylar won, of course.
And then me, Daren, Chava, Devin, Kiri, and Lissa ran back out to her car and commenced to have more Skyy, and I think I had 5 in total, cuz I didn't feel anything in the car and I thought I could take more, so I did. Root beer saved my life from tasting like rubbing alcohol.
So then Me, Kiri, and Devin did the dialogue mentioned above running back to Kemily's house, and from there, I don't remember much else. This is what I've been told:
-I'm loud, obnoxious, giggly, repetitious, annoying, hilarious, rowdy, insanely cute, have a cute giggle, the polar opposite of my usual self... the list goes on
-I told everyone about 500 times that I had to go to church tomorrow (I kind of remember this... I think...).
-I had a conversation with Josh for awhile about something or other (he won't tell me what), and then I said I wanted and England wristband like his, and he said only if I wore it, and then I said I'd make him a Portugal jersey/wristband? out of rubber bands.
-I played with Pierre and Peter's glasses and told Peter I've always wanted his (?)
-Every time I looked at Ben, who was high off his ass, I giggled.
-Every time I looked at Daren, who was also quite gone, I giggled.
-Every time I looked at just about anybody, I giggled (I do remember giggling a lot).
-To prove I was sober, I commenced to trace people's letterings on their shirt. I did half of Elias's, which was Led Zeppelin's (apparently according to him I wasn't even close); Austen's, which I thought was 'DKNY' but was actually 'Oakland' (I remember that); Jerrod's Batman logo, except he wouldn't let me (I remember that too!); and Josh's, which was 'Spy', and that proceeded to make me giggle and point out to him every 5 minutes that he was a spy and that I was fascinated with it.
-When Alex tried to force-feed me water because it would make me feel better, I went, "I FEEL GREAT!" and threw up my arm and splashed water all over Emily's kitchen. 3 times, because Emily asked how that happened and I reenacted it for her. (WTF! No matter how hard I try I absolutely can't remember this at ALL, but EVERYONE'S been talking about this incident so I can't say they're all lying.)
-Jerrod told me I drank like a noob, so I told him he drank like a Jap, and then he told me his name was Vladimir cuz he drank like a Russian, so I called him Vladimir for a while.
-Joe kept trying to trip me, so once I went insane and started hitting him (again... wtf?! I have no memory of this in the least)
-I was waltzing with Nick at one point? (I kind of remember this, but my memory is of him teaching me to moonwalk...)
-I got halfway through my pizza (I remember eating pizza!) and didn't want it anymore so I started shoving it at people. Then it somehow disappeared (when re-telling this to me, Alex doesn't know what I did with it) and then I started asking where it was.
-Jerrod was trying to make me and Nick hook up because apparently 'Nick would thank him later'. (I have a bone to pick with him about that.)
-I told Jerrod what pecs are supposed to look like.
-Alex told me to place my finger on my nose to prove I was sober, so I did and I managed to place it on my nose, but after a few seconds it would start drifting towards my eye...
-Some conversation I was having with someone, my reasoning for Kiri being good at puzzles was 'because we're Chinese!' (nobody told me this, I remember it, but I don't remember who I was having the conversation with)
-I hugged everyone I saw.
-I think I ate Dem Bones (the candy) - and the candy wrappers - at one point (I remember this too, but I don't remember when I was eating them or where I got them from)
-I talked to somebody on Kiri's phone (I remember this too, but I don't remember what I told them)
-Somebody picked me up to get me to the door on my way home.
So then I remember driving to Lissa's house (IIII didn't drive) because my friends wouldn't let me go home in my state of being (OH! I REMEMBER CALLING MY DAD TO TELL HIM!) and then there were a bunch of people at Lissa's house when we got there and a lady showed us her mastechtomy, and some guy chewed his shoelace, and I told Lissa's mom she was drunk, and then I took a shower and fell asleep at 3:30 at her house. And didn't wake up till laaaaaate. I didn't even go to church.
4. Finals, end of 1st semester Senior Year, the Holiday season. It's been fun, guys. And I should be freaking about finals right about now... but I'm not? Serious senioritis going on. I just... I want to go to college, but I don't. I want to leave, but I don't. I want to start over somewhere where I don't have a clue who anyone is and start afresh with nobody knowing who I am either, somewhere where I can make fabulous new memories and new friends and new loves.... but I don't. I don't want to leave any of the people I've met, and I don't want to give up any of the experiences I've made, especially this year. I've grown so much, and I know it's time for me to move on and go venture on my own in the big bad world, but a part of me just wants to be little again, a little frosh girlie who can make these sacred friendships all over again. I love you guys.
Aand, since you love me too, this is my xmas list!
-anything cristiano ronaldo or portugal national team
-boyslikegirls concert tee
-cute is what we aim for concert tee
-final fantasy 7 (the game, yes)
-clothing items
-gift cards to anywhere
-this shirt (preview below:)
-a hatsuharu sohma stuffed animal
-ck pure poison eau de toilette (christian's getting this for me, I love you!)
-sour starburst, lots and lots of it
-anything harajuku lovers, specifically the 'I'm Just an Orange County girl!' harajuku lovers purse
-digital camera
-eragon tickets
I love you all.
...and I wouldn't have it any other way,
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Oh, I was doing so well.
Get away and out of this city
Maybe I shouldn't have called
but someone had to be the first to break
We can go sit on your back porch
Talk about anything
It don't matter
I'll be courageous if you can pretend that you've forgiven me
Because I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from the pain
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
Springtime in the city
Always such relief from the winter freeze
The snow was more lonely than cold
If you know what I mean
Everyone's got an agenda, don't stop
Keep that chin up, you'll be all right
Can you believe what a year it's been
Are you still the same?
Has your opinion changed?
'Cause I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from these sentences
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
I know I let you down
Again and again
I know I never really treated you right
I've paid the price
I'm still paying for it every day
So maybe I shouldn't have called
Was it too soon to tell?
Oh what the hell
It doesn't really matter
How do you redefine something that never really had a name?
Has your opinion changed?
Because I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
The picture frames have changed and so has your name
We don't talk much anymore
We keep running from the pain
But what I wouldn't give to see your face again
I see your face
I see your face...
He says that he likes the lyrics. Maybe that's just it.
So this is what people do after you haven't seen them in forever. They change. You hold onto that little idealistic grasp of who they used to be and they won't let you have your way with your own mind, they keep on battering you with who they are now and who you don't want them to be. And then before you know it, they're gone.
This was awhile back, but I felt like reposting it here so I would have another record of it. It's Savage Garden, by the way. The song.
Again and again,
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
And I hope you see, signed sincerely me.
Today was Daren's 17th birthday, and seeing everyone be all happy and nice and present-givey about it was nice. I think the IB senior class is too sarcastic most of the time, and to see us be all genuinely "yay!" was a good change, though a bit oddly scary.
School also comes with gossip though, and soo much unneeded drama, and the prospect of boys who like you but you don't like back (that's already happened to me. damn.) and boys who you like but who don't like you back (not yet, thank God - and I don't plan for it to happen this year). Maybe that was the real fright of school that scared me over the summer. If that's the case, I say it's not a sheep in wolf's clothing but a real 100 percent wolf who scares the crap out of me because when it comes to Drama, our IB class is pretty good at making it happen. And I don't mean on the stage.
Speaking of the stage, I'm Costume/Makeup Designer for our first show. I was thinking about auditioning but the first play we're doing has a total cast of 3, so I was like "....erm...." and went for crew instead. I don't know why the hell I'm costume designer as I don't even know how to sew. I'm makeup girl! Makeup and only makeup! Come on, man. *Shakes fist* But challenges aren't always bad I guess. Plus Daren's on my crew and I can just dump all the sewing-age on her. Haha. What I don't get is why a FROSH is working under me as costume/makeup head. I plan to discreetly kick her off. (Or maybe not... let's see how good of a mood I'm in these next few weeks). The POINT is, I'm excited to be back on the stage. It's like a second home to me. I never thought I'd be a drama nerd, but I am *shrug* and it's not so bad. Drama is like a cult at our school and once you make friends through drama, it's like, FRIENDS. Set in stone. I still have people who I worked with oNCE last year who still remember me and say hi.
I love dramies. Except I still can't find my $60 character shoes, ARGH.
TAnGENT: Over Labor Day weekend, besides going to Aspen and all, we got high speed internet (which I named Patrick - long story, ask me in person). I was the only one home to figure out all the technical aspects, and I realized I couldn't get our stupid cable connection to work because our location sucks for some reason. So I had to call customer services and the guy who picked up and helped me was really nice. When we were waiting for my slow-as-hell laptop to haul ass and shut down and restart, we started talking - I don't even remember how - and actually had a nice conversation. Amazing how many nice people one doesn't know out there in the world and who you can get to know through a one-time random conversation. They're everywhere - solicitors (though... don't talk to those people), the lady behind you at the checkout, the lawn inspector, and this guy at Comcast. His name is Josh and he lives in Texas and is 21. Everyone I tell is making it out to be some stupid thing its not like he tried to pick me up or the other way around, but good lord, we just talked and were friendly and stuff. He found me on facebook by the way =D. I tried searching for him but there are about 394587340895103948 guys with the name Josh at his school.
---> We also got a PS2 solely for DDR cuz my dad wants us to exercise (....o_O). He's forbidding the purchase of any more games, but I say screw that, I'm getting FIFA StreetPro2. And I'm borrowing Final Fantasy VII again from Tivo. (It was pretty funny watching my mom try to do DDR though.)
I'm excited and scared at the same time for the future. Near future, this weekend is Daren's birthday party thingie at Claire's house [we're going to see Wicker Man, eat gelato, go to Sushi Den, and bake a cake]. But it's the same weekend that we're going to Aspen as a family, so it's kinda sucky that I have to miss out on that. I had to choose between Daren's last birthday with all of us together and our family's outing. I hope I made the right choice. As for the middle-length future, I'm positively dreading October. October is SAT's, early decision apps, teacher recommendations, Extended Essay final drafts, Claire's party [the only good thing] and blah. Homecoming is on the same day as the SAT's. Good god. I hate national standardized testing. If I go to U. of Toronto or Vancouver BC, I won't even need the damn scores. =_= Near future, college. I've been bringing that up a lot, but yea. I can't wait to experience what it's like staking it out on my own and making a start with nobody I know at all. I want to do some serious soul searching and these people are probably the ones who make a lasting impact on me for the rest of my life (not to say that my friends right now don't because they do). I just want to find me, completely stripped of anything and everything else. I'm ready.
Sincerely... me.
...why is it everything I post on here ends up being complete and total mush?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
An Asian bonding experience.
I'm glad I went this year. I didn't want to go at first and I was actually planning to not go, but somehow I got blackmailed into going and I'm really happy that I did. It wasn't like every year where I had a huge cry-fest on Monday night and came back with a huge, wavering spiritual high 10 times too big for me to handle. Instead, I gained a sort of foundation upon which I can slowly but steadily build upon. I'm going to take one step at a time this time, and make sure that I get every step of the way right because I can't afford to make mistakes again. There's no more backtracking because I'm tired of going around in religious circles like I have been for my whole life.
I met soo many new people this year. I don't know what held me back from talking to them before, but I really felt like I bonded with a lot of other people from Boulder church/elsewhere?. Not just made superficial, once-a-year-fake-smile friendships, but actual I-heart-you! ones. And yea, I'm probably banking on out of state for college myself, but for the most part I'm glad that most of the new people I met who graduated this year are staying in state (except for Allen and Angela, :( on you both). I just got back from the lock-in at the Boulder Church (which is in Lafayette btw... nothing makes sense.) and hooray for all-nighters. Me and Ann almost got to see the sun rise, we missed it by like a few minutes, but when we went outside the sky was still really pretty. Plus we went to Pho before that and then screwed around at the Bowling place because we didn't want to play so instead we talked and got amused with the really hot soda machine. + I played a load of DDR and watched the 'be a man' scene in Mulan, and this one other kung-fu movie (<--I only got to see the fight scenes in that one cuz all the guys fast forwarded through the other parts). This morning we got bagels and donuts and I'm basically going to die because I'm going back to church for worship practice and then Teddy's taking me and Lei out to Cheesecake Factory. Chen = dead.
But I'm :) that all of us got to work through past differences and bond this year. Friends are the sex. Especially ones which you've lived with and run through the rain screaming with and posed fobby poses with and wrote warm fuzzies to and ate 3 meals a day with. Haha. xD I don't want school to start. I wish we could just stay up in the mountains at Camp Elim forever (with better living conditions because our cabin was beyond gross). Minus the 29348709218392180487 mosquitos, roaches, moths, and spiders, I'd be the first to pack up my stuff and move there.
Ending shpiel (sp?), I am really really really uber glad that whoever blackmailed me into going to camp did. Because without it I wouldn't have what I have now.
Conclusion and moral of the story: I don't want school to start. School is the devil.
Monday, July 24, 2006
maybe I'll just sing about it.
After the family bit, I came back and it's been non-stop friend time since then. My schedule's been a little hectic; I'm rarely home and when I am I'm doing something. I was always complaining about how I'm bored and need to get out of the house, but when I started writing in my diary and making the schedule so I'd remember what I'd done on what day, I was like "....I'm never at home." It's been stressing to always get to places and have much money after China and plan things and execute them smoothly, but it's been fun. I hear about all these wild parties and I decided that while it would have been all right to go, I'd rather just spend time with closer friends, it being the last year and all. College is on the mind and I'd rather not think about it, but it's hard when you're looking at college books and making lists of colleges to apply to and writing down scholarships you're eligible for and visiting colleges and talking about the future. It's hard when all I want to do is lay it all away for a few and just relax. But I spose that was what China was for. And so I guess I have to love my friends while we're still all together. I really hope we go on the cruise next summer before we're all parted, because as much as we want to be, we're probably not going to go to the same state. (This is sentimental mush.)
[<-- Two of my favorite players! Plus Simao.] On another note, World Cup is definitely my new obsession. I've never been an avid sports fan for ANY sport, and I don't particularly care for them, but since it's so big in China, I started watching World Cup Germany 2006 and got hooked. I liked it in 2002 as well, but I never really got passionate about it until this year. Portugal is my team. I claim them. I love everybody on it [except possibly Miguel who can't do anything to save his life] and they just work so well together [even if they are a bit violent - look at the game vs. Netherlands. But even that's not a fair argument because people seem to single Portugal out as being violent, and then all of the sudden everybody's noticing every foul they get, when really it's not more than the other teams]. I just love soccer [football, really; America's just stupid because we have to be 'different' and call it soccer just like we use inches and feet instead of centimeters and fahrenheit instead of celsius] because there's a sense of unity on the teams. When a player falls over, the guy who knocked him down helps him up and apologizes. When a team loses, the men will cry on the feild, and everyone else will hug him. When one player's dad died, the opposing team got him flowers to console him. The team captains switch jerseys after the game. You just don't see that in other sports, where people there are just angry and display unmerited violence. I just... professional soccer is the sex. I found myself decking myself out in Portuguese colors and it was all I could do but stop myself from painting my face, shaving my head, and dying my scalp red, green, and yellow. Alex knows what I'm talking about.
I particularly glomp Cristiano Ronaldo [#17]. He is such a cute cute cute guy, and I love love love him. I think he's one of the first guys I admired for talent even before I knew how he looked. I first saw him in the match against Iran, and I was like "Oh wow, this guy is really really good!" So I started watching him on the feild after that and then after he shot the 80th minute winning penalty for Portugal, they showed a close-up of him and I was like "OH MY GOD HE'S REALLY GOOD LOOKING!" He's Gillette's Best Young Player of the Year, and everybody was talking about him. Yea, he's Portugal's poster boy, and his footwork is AMAZING and he has got talent, even though it was rare for him to show it since the opposing team, if they were smart, always had two or three guys flagging him down whenever he got the ball for fear of him doing something incredible, as he tends to do. He is a drama queen, I'll admit, and very Hollywood, but if you think about it, the guy does what he has to do to win, including diving [but he does it no more than everyone else does and when people rat him out for it I just get pissed because everyone else is doing it too, not just him dammit] and people always foul him for nothing so you can't blame the guy for getting ticked off. Everyone's like "oh em gee, C. Ronaldo's such a tantrum hothead and he gets so pissed off when they foul him and he takes it to heart and blah blah blah diva blah" but they forget that they have this mindset of him being melodramatic stuck in their heads, and then whenever someone commits a serious foul against him they just brush it off because it's just the little drama-queen acting up again. Once, when C. Ron had the ball and almost had it to the goal, a guy from France team ran over, with no intention of even getting the ball, and just literally tackled him--like, knocked him over so he went flying--in the goal box, no less. And they didn't even foul the kid. I was screaming my head off--partially because the ref also sucked during that round. And then there was the whole drama with Rooney, and once again, it WAS NOT C. RON'S FAULT THAT ROONEY GOT SENT OFF. HE was the one who stepped on Carvalho's groin, and the ref was going to give him a red card based off of that ANYWAY, NOT because C. Ron was screaming at him and Rooney shoved him. Angryism England fans took it into their heads to boo C. Ron every time he got hold of the ball the next 2 games. It was like, "SHUT UP AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT." That makes me so angry [even though sometimes he plays for a foul just to see if he can get it - but he's not the only one who does it, again]. ANYWAY, he's an all around attractive man, and his English is sooo cute because he's got a thick Portuguese accent: not enough for you to not understand what he's saying, but enough to make him sound exotic and have a lot of grammar flaws [i.e. "We wait for see"]. I love him. I even got his jersey xDD. [and a poster.]
Anyway, this summer has been going quite well. I'm reading a lot of books, going places, meeting people, obsessing over things [speaking of, the customer service guy at King Soopers is soooo hot. His name is Patrick. I wanted to talk to him or something, but wtf do you say to a guy who works at King Soopers? I'll wait and see.], hanging out with friends, sleeping till noon [no lie], writing my heart out, coming out of my shell, trying new things, becoming more independent, and, I guess, just living. This is nice.
And I will just sing about it,
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
...and I shall jump over the moon.
I'm looking forward to so much there, and I hope it lives up to my expectations. I want to relax, and shop till I drop, and sight-see, and lay around the house watching Chinese T.V., and eat genuine Chinese in the crazy five-star restaurants, and pull of this bridesmaid thing, and take model glamour pictures and feel like a model, and get my ipod fixed or replaced, and dye my hair, and hook up with my so called fiance according to my mom and teach this naive little cute boy a thing or two about girls, and play computer games with my cousins, and laugh with my drunk uncles until they pass out and I get the rest of the wine. I just want to relax, and jump around with family screaming at the sheer joy of being in my cousin's wedding at the same time. Oh China, please don't let me down. This is the last time my whole family goes together.
In the meantime, exams ended for me today [school let out on may 3 but we still had to take a spanish oral and an english oral and philosophy exams] which is exciting, but it was actually nice to see people and not feel so isolated. i know, that sounds pretty loserish, but i'm sad the philosophy exams are over cuz I got to chill with all the IB juniors again ^___^. plus the exams were easy even though they were really long and we started late both times because yesterday nick forgot to pick up ben and alex wilson got confused and left, and today emily didn't come because she thought the exam was at noon instead of 7 AM. Now I'm trying to type up my damn extended essay and get past the introduction. I don't know where to go with it from here. It's so stressing and I want half of it done by Friday, which I really hope will happen. I guess with my sense of procrastination, though, it won't. >.>;;
Then I couldn't find a dress for banquet at all the stores by my house so I guess I'm just either wearing the gold strapless dress or the black dress that I wore last year to homecoming [when I had a date.. who was Nick.. so I guess he didn't really count.. haha, jay kay]. I dunno, it's almost full-length, and I like it and I already have the shoes to match and stuff, and I already know how I want to do my hair. With the gold one we'd have to add tulle to the bottom because it's kind of short. Plus it itches, so I'd probably have to wear something inside. >.<
I've been thinking the past two days, and I've had a revelation. I've fallen in love with a one-dimensional person. I don't know if he's worth it - probably not. But it's far too late to turn back now, I guess. He's already gouged himself into my heart and it's too deep for me to cut him out. There's nothing for me to do except push forward and see where life takes me. I wonder when this part of my life gets crumpled and thrown into the paper shredder so I can finally start fresh. [It's just like me to envision my life like a writer would. I write too much.]
And as for the other two relationships, I have the upper hand. I think I'm enjoying the deliciousness of it all. For once, I like being the levelheaded, cool and composed one instead of the one who's freaking out because he didn't call or say something I wanted him to say. I could get used to this.
Back to the grind of writing. Mao Zedong is just not doing it for me today. Boys should not be bothered with until you know what you're doing. I agree with a long-lost quote that Topanga from Boy Meets World once upon a fairy-tale time said: Boys should be kept underground and only be used for breeding purposes. But you get to choose who you get, of course.
cordial[ly] cherry yours,
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I believe... the false belief that i will never be fatter than i am now small, every-day miracles
...mulan wasn't attractive procrastination
...sylvia plath was the best damn poet ever
...all males have brain damage
...celebrities are too overrated, and we should really celebrate people who help the world
...the people who wrote the messages on candy hearts need help
...mao ze-dong was clinically ill
...i will start a college girl rock band
...everybody has a beautiful voice [some of] confucius my friends
...the sole purpose of v-day is to make people suffer group unity on the stage
...pocahauntas was half asian have total control over your future orange markers
...that life without color is meaningless postsecret
...the 'no-two-snowflakes-are-alike' is false
...area 51 exists
...that laughter and sleep are better than any other medicine
...people on RPG's are just lonely sauce makes everything better mascara
...karma and the 'wheel-of-fortune' exists
...asian preps are posers
...people in gangs are just insecure
...everyone radiates a different color aura mood rings
...i will never understand true poverty
...i will never get over my materialistic nature
...the women on herbal essence commercials wear wigs
...haylie duff is a man
...sushi is the man-made, tangible version of 'sex'
...ricky ullman is an angel in disguise
...that there are angels among us
...the media rules over the concept of beauty too much
...haircuts are the devil
...feta cheese is the ambrosia from the greek legends feng shui is comfort food for the heart
...showers are designed to make the people who can't sing feel like they can
...onions are good for the soul
...fantasy books are the sex God, but not a lot of the christian ideas was designed to help us learn to fail
...the most unnoticed people are the most beautiful peter lewis believing in myself... i just haven't found me yet.