I'm glad I went this year. I didn't want to go at first and I was actually planning to not go, but somehow I got blackmailed into going and I'm really happy that I did. It wasn't like every year where I had a huge cry-fest on Monday night and came back with a huge, wavering spiritual high 10 times too big for me to handle. Instead, I gained a sort of foundation upon which I can slowly but steadily build upon. I'm going to take one step at a time this time, and make sure that I get every step of the way right because I can't afford to make mistakes again. There's no more backtracking because I'm tired of going around in religious circles like I have been for my whole life.
I met soo many new people this year. I don't know what held me back from talking to them before, but I really felt like I bonded with a lot of other people from Boulder church/elsewhere?. Not just made superficial, once-a-year-fake-smile friendships, but actual I-heart-you! ones. And yea, I'm probably banking on out of state for college myself, but for the most part I'm glad that most of the new people I met who graduated this year are staying in state (except for Allen and Angela, :( on you both). I just got back from the lock-in at the Boulder Church (which is in Lafayette btw... nothing makes sense.) and hooray for all-nighters. Me and Ann almost got to see the sun rise, we missed it by like a few minutes, but when we went outside the sky was still really pretty. Plus we went to Pho before that and then screwed around at the Bowling place because we didn't want to play so instead we talked and got amused with the really hot soda machine. + I played a load of DDR and watched the 'be a man' scene in Mulan, and this one other kung-fu movie (<--I only got to see the fight scenes in that one cuz all the guys fast forwarded through the other parts). This morning we got bagels and donuts and I'm basically going to die because I'm going back to church for worship practice and then Teddy's taking me and Lei out to Cheesecake Factory. Chen = dead.
But I'm :) that all of us got to work through past differences and bond this year. Friends are the sex. Especially ones which you've lived with and run through the rain screaming with and posed fobby poses with and wrote warm fuzzies to and ate 3 meals a day with. Haha. xD I don't want school to start. I wish we could just stay up in the mountains at Camp Elim forever (with better living conditions because our cabin was beyond gross). Minus the 29348709218392180487 mosquitos, roaches, moths, and spiders, I'd be the first to pack up my stuff and move there.
Ending shpiel (sp?), I am really really really uber glad that whoever blackmailed me into going to camp did. Because without it I wouldn't have what I have now.

Conclusion and moral of the story: I don't want school to start. School is the devil.
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